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Monday is D-Day #HappyXmasCovid19isOver (if you want it)

Image result for john and yoko war is over

1) The suit has now been filed that presents convincingly that from the pandemic’s outset, elected representatives of all stripes were betrayed by heads of public health agencies (pages 46 through 108). I anticipate it will be available in full sometime tomorrow. We need your help to get this to President Trump and elected officials.

This discharges an obligation I incurred in March 2020, when I and others were were presented with a clear view that HCQ was a prophylaxis and treatment solution and, a couple weeks later, when it started to emerge that Ivermectin was a pandemic-ending solution as well. Our taxpayer funded “experts” turned a blind eye to these pandemic averting off-patent godsend drugs. Even today, we can end the pandemic in a few weeks when these drugs are available in ample supply and the response is repositioned. WE do this to STOP MORE THAN 3,000 American deaths daily because of an indefensible and unconscionable FDA protocol.

What we found exculpates elected politicians from all sides to varying degrees. I know that will disappoint many, perhaps most Americans, but I believe that is a reasonable interpretation of the evidence. Here is a synopsis paragraph of the suit so there are no mysteries about what I believe happened.:

2. Notice this is paragraph 209, footnote 202. You know what that means, right? That’s right. 50 pages of cogent analysis backed up with source documents on how the pandemic never should have been. Its laid out and we avoid telling the reader what conclusions to draw because we trust your good sense. This is America and Americans when presented with the information make the right decisions. This is how we can the country and, if you get involved, you will always remember how you played a role in turning the tide that helped lift us from the dark times.

We want to make sure that we 1) secure primacy and 2) secure primacy while everyone is focused on other news distractions while our citizen SpecOps team goes in the back door and clears the house of monopoly media suppressors to get the information to fellow Americans on both sides of the divide. You are the secret weapon! ARE YOU HEARING ME? I AM TALKING TO YOU. No one else thinks it’s possible to break the spell, but we are going to break the spell. Thats why we call this “Operation Spellbreaker.”

So we will:

A) prove that elected officials received incomplete and false information from public health agencies. In my view, its nothing short of a miracle elected officials did as well as they did given the horrendous advice they were given.

B) show President Trump that his physicians were deceived to take him off HCQ and to administer him Remdesivir in September (Go here if you want to deep dive on Remdesvir),

C) convince him to invalidate the FDA treatment protocol which is killing Americans. This is the protocol that prevents early treatment.

D) Relying on ample, but alternative expert advice, we need to convince President Trump to do whatever is necessary to make HCQ “over the counter,” This is the big ask of you. We must get word and evidence to President Trump and it may have to somehow bypass advisors.

E) Consider liberalization regarding Ivermectin and treatment protocols. Watch this to see why.

F) If we turn on the persuasion, the pressure and the creativity, there is no reason the pandemic can’t be popularly considered “over” by the end of the year. That is how MIRACULOUS early treatment can be and there are numerous COURAGEOUS PHYSICIANS, NURSES AND RESEARCHERS who know this full well. Please show your support by making the red SOS photo below your twitter photo or your facebook profile photo. WE WILL END THIS BY XMAS IF YOU DO THIS.


Here are three HCQ blocks below for posting (thanks Mang)

Do you want to save 3,000 American lives per day?! Use these as attention grabbers
It isn’t often as human beings we can save lives, look at it as a gift in the Christmas Season! Let’s do this Americans!
They can accuse you of many things, but don’t ever let them accuse you of not leaving it all on the field! We got this.

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