Remdesivir Survivors and Victims Support Group and Action Committee

Monday, January 10, 2022 9:00 pm If you have personally survived a death match with Remdesivir (Veklury) or if you have a loved one who has survived or succumbed to Remdesivir, please join us this Monday at 9:00 pm... Read More →

Dick Buttons Creations

I soon realized that there was some kind of unidentified suppression effort to prevent hydroxychloroquine from getting out. I was desperate. I had to bring in a specialist. The best in the world: Dick Buttons, who was on hiatus from the Obama Library Project. There can be no comprehensive solution that only involves half the country.

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Every American must watch this testimony now!

One day’s haul in March. Was it monopoly social media platforms that suppressed the truth? Public Health agency malfeasance? Or both? I have carried this burden for too long and I plan on getting it off my chest this week. not because I want to, but because I have no other choice.

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